Umpires Information (Stratford Girls Softball)

PrintUmpires Information



SMGSA is currently preparing for the 2025 season.
  If you are interested in umpiring this season. We ask that you fill out the umpire registration.  This will put you on our mailing list and allow us to get you the info as it comes available. 

If you would like to umpire for Stratford Minor Girls Softball, Please fill out the online Umpires Registration Form. 

This year games will be assigned online and through email. 
Umpires will be payed $50 for U9 up to U21 Huron Perth Teams and $60 for U11 up to U19 Rep Teams, and  for Ladies League $60-80 

Krissy Horan will be assigning game for this season and can be contacted by email at [email protected]